Kamis, 18 Juni 2015


Full name Abu Zakariyya Ibn Yuhanna Masawaiyh, popularly nicknamed Ibn Masawaiyh, but the West called him Mesue. He was a famous doctor in the ninth century AD that has contributed greatly to the development of science in his time with the effort of translation of Greek works. In society, the figure of Ibn Musawayh greatly admired for his intellectual ability in the field of medical science. She has worked as a court physician. He is a pioneer in laying the foundations of the Islamic pharmaceutical and managed to make a number of aromatic botanicals.
His career as a renowned physician began during the reign of al-Rasyd to al-Mutawakkil. During his work at the court, Ibn Masawayh friends with Ibrahim bin al-Mahdi. Both have in common, which have a very big interest in science Greece, as well as Arabic poetry. They both studied a number of translations of Greek scientists routinely. In addition, Masawayh also introduced with sons ar-Rasyd, one of whom was Abu al-Abbas Mohammed. In the palace, Ibn Musawayh gets a place of honor
Ibn fame skyrocketed Musawayh quickly making hostility some people, especially his position as court physician is the dream of every expert. At that time, a tough competitor is a family physician Ibn Masawayh Bukhtyashu that for 4 generations has been a family physician caliph. Buhktyashu families have different beliefs. They faiths Nestorian, that relate to the teachings of Greece and has a manuscript of Galen. They also believe that a wide range of disciplines, such as astrology, medicine, and chemistry, should be united in a single entity.
Ibn Masawaiyh has managed to gather about 30 bulbs, complete with physical methods of observation and diagnosis of the pharmacological effect. Ghaliyyah or mixing aromatic therapy has also been practiced in aromatic and perfume making process. Kamper brought by Indian traders from China used as raw material for medicine. Various spices used as materials research and development into materials and basic materials perfume herbal potions.
Ibn Masawayh not stop with just conduct research on a variety of plants to be used as a drug .. As a physicist, he is very understanding of the natural properties of various plants that can be used for healing through empirical methodology and analogies. Very famous discovery is the method of "diet" as a method of healing without drugs, as contained in his book Al-Mushajjar al-Kabir. Developments in the diet has provided an alternative method of treatment in other ways. Patients often consider him as a specialist diet. He seriously studied a variety of foods and beverages that can support the diet program.
Also fairly important contribution in the field of pharmaceutical development and pharmacology. One of Ibn Masawayh is the famous book Al-Mushajjar Al-Kabir. This book is a kind of encyclopedia that lists the following disease treatment method through medications and diet. There are two important works of Ibn Masawayh famous Arabic-Nawadir that an al-Thibbiyya (a collection of media notes), as well as the Kitab al-Azmina (a description of a wide variety of seasons of the year).
An- Nawadir al-Thibiyya is a book colected theory and medical problems. In addition to the above two works, Ibn Masawayh also never produced a masterpiece of Latin, which Mesue. An award-winning work in Europe.
Until the fifteenth century, a Western medical expert named Peter Gulosinus found Mesue book contains many grains of pearl knowledge and give satisfaction as a teaching tool. Conversely, there are also some scholars as Lecrere, which sometimes dubious Ibn Masawayh in his book Mesue. However, readers in the West remain interested in Ibn Masawayh as a practicing physician who accomplished.

Furthermore previously, other Islamic scientists are ar-Razi even praised Ibn services Contines Masawayh in his work. It can be seen from the number of references cited from the book, especially about medical practices in addition to two other books that also he used. The second book is a Book of fevers (Book of Fever), which is a duplicate of the work of Hippocrates (Kitab al-Humayyat) and Kitab al-Adwiya al-Munakkiya. Both of these books are the books written by Ibn Masawayh are also in demand in the Middle Ages.

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