Kamis, 18 Juni 2015


Ironic ...
Nevertheless, we should not be complacent and insecure, instead we should be more active to explore various fields of science and foster the spirit of love Qu'ran in the family in order to print the next generation who faqih and qur'ani so that later can print new scientists qur'ani and to benefit the community. Because in truth, the majority of Muslim scholars triumphed in the heyday of Islam that is the penghafal and reviewers Qu'ran, make Qu'ran as a basis of reference the various fields of science scientifically. Because true Islam is not just a ritual worship it ... but more than that, the guidelines and instructions to all men in all areas of life to achieve salvation and happiness in this world and the hereafter.
By looking at the chart at the top of the 5th century until the 16th century, they call it the dark ages. Analyzes whether the century is full of ignorance, and who is stupid? If we want to dig a little bit of history, in the 8th century in Baghdad alone has established hospitals and in Fez Morocco has been established University. The lesson for us that the search for knowledge that should be based on the honesty, until now the ideas of the philosophers of Islam in the form of manuscripts on medicine, mathematics, pharmacy now in Museum2 in the US and in major European cities
With menukir to the golden age of Islam in the old days, a moment of course we are proud to know that all kinds of knowledge that exist in our present moment is thanks to the services of scientists Muslim world that has almost a thousand years ago, when Muslims are the torch bearers of knowledge in the dark ages. They created an Islamic civilization, driven by inquiry and invention, which made the rest of the world envy for centuries.
Its architects designed buildings that defied gravity. Its mathematicians created the algebra and algorithms that would enable computers and data encryption can be created. Is the doctor who examined the human body, and found new cures for diseases. Its astronomers looked into the heavens, named the stars, and paved the way for space travel and exploration. Its writers created thousands of stories; stories of struggle, romance and magic. When other nations were afraid of ideas, this civilization thrived on them and make them full of energy. When science is threatened removed due to censorship by previous civilizations, this civilization keep science alive, and pass it on to other civilizations. When modern western civilization was sharing this knowledge, civilization I'm talking about is the Islamic world began in the year 800 to 1600, which included the Ottoman Empire and the city of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo, and enlightened rulers like Suleiman the Magnificent. Although we are often unaware of our indebtedness to this other civilization, its gifts are part of our heritage. The technology industry would not exist without the contributions of Arab mathematicians. "
Actually, it is very difficult to find a field of science that is not indebted to the pioneers of this. Below is a short list, without any intention to express it as the most complete, Muslim scientists from the eighth century to the 14th century specialized in the medical world and the physics is more structured with detailed step-development.

This chart depicts the lifes of key Islamic Scientists and related writers, from the 8th to the end of the 13th century. By placing each writer in a historical context, this will help us understand the influences and borrowing of ideas.
701 (Died) - Khalid Ibn Yazeed Alchemy
721 - Jabir Ibn Haiyan (Geber) (Great Muslim Alchemist)
740 - Al-Asmai (Zoology, Botany, Animal Husbandry)
780 - Al-Khwarizmi (Algorizm) (Mathematics, Astronomy)
787 - Al Balkhi, Ibn Ja'far Muhammas (Albumasar) Astronomy, Fortune-telling
796 (Died) - Al-Fazari, Ibrahim ibn Habeeb Astronomy, Translation
800 - Ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (Alkindus) (Philosophy, Physics, Optics)
808 - Hunain ibn Is'haq Medicine, Translator
815 - Al-Dinawari, Abu-Hanifa Dawood Ahmed Ibn Mathematics, Linguistics
836 - Ibn Thabit Qurrah (Thebit) (Astronomy, Mechanics)
838 - Ali ibn Rabban al-Tabari (Medicine, Mathematics)
852 - Al Battani Abu Abdillah (Albategni) Mathematics, Astronomy, Engineering
857 - Ibn MasawaihYou'hanna Medicine
858 - Al-Battani (Albategnius) (Astronomy, mathematics)
860 - Al-Farghani (Al-Fraganus) (Astronomy, Civil Engineering)
884 - Al-Razi (Rhazes) (Medicine, Ophthalmology, Chemistry)
870 - Al-Farabi (Al-Pharabius) (Sociology, Logic, Science, Music)
900 (Died) - Abu Hamed Al-ustrulabi Astronomy
903 - Al-Sufi (Azophi) Astronomy
908 - Ibn Thabit Qurrah Medicine, Engineering
912 (Died) - Al-Tamimi Ibn Amyal Mhd (Attmimi) Alchemy
923 (Died) - Al-Nirizi, AlFadl Ibn Ahmed
                     (Wronge Altibrizi) Mathematics, Astronomy
930 - Ibn Miskawayh, Ahmed Abuali Medicine, Alchemy
932 - Ahmed Al-Tabari Medicine
936 - Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahravi (Albucasis) Surgery, Medicine
940 - Muhammad Al-Buzjani Mathematics, Astronomy, Geometry
950 - Al Majrett'ti Abu-alQasim Astronomy, Alchemy, Mathematics
960 (Died) - Ibn Wahshiyh, Abu Baker Alchemy, Botany
965 - Ibn Al-Haitham (Alhazen) Physics, Optics, Mathematics)
973 - Abu Raihan al-Biruni Astronomy, Mathematics
976 - Ibn Abil Ashath Medicine
980 - Ibn Sina (Avicenna) Medicine, Philosophy, Mathematics
983 - Ikhwan A-Safa (Assafa) Group of Muslim Scientists
1019 - Al-Hasib Alkarji Mathematics
1029 - Al-Zarqali (Arzachel) 1029-1087 Astronomy (Invented Astrolabe)
- [Astronomy, engineering] Arzachel (al-Zarqali) invents the "Saphaea", the first astrolabe that did not depend on the latitude of the observer and could be used anywhere. Also he invents the equatorium, and discovers that the orbits of the planets are ellipses and not circles.

1044 - Omar Al-Khayyam Mathematics, Poetry
1060 (Died) - Ali ibn Ridwan Ali Abu'Hassan Medicine
1077 - Ibn Abi-Sadia Abul Qasim Medicine
1090 - Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) Surgery, Medicine
1095 - Ibn Bajah, Mohammed Ibn Yahya
1097 - Ibn Al-Baitar Diauddin (Bitar) Botany, Medicine, Pharmacology
1099 - Al-Idrisi (DRESES) Geography, World Map (First Globe)
1091 - Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar) Surgery, Medicine
1095 - Ibn Bajah, Mohammad Ibn Yahya (Avenpace) Philosophy, Medicine
1099 - Al-Idrisi (DRESES) -World Geography Map, Globe First
1100 - Ibn Al-Qaysi Tufayl Philosophy, Medicine
1120 (Died) - Al-Tuhra-ee, Al-Husain Ibn Ali Alchemy, Poem
1128 - Ibn Rushd (Averroe's) Philosophy, Medicine
1135 - Ibn Maymun, Moses (Maimonides) Medicine, Philosphy
1140 - Al-Badee Al-Ustralabi Astronomy, Mathematics
1155 (Died) - Abdel-Rahman al AlKhazin Astronomy
1162 - Al Baghdadi, Abdellateef Muwaffaq Medicine, Geography
1165 - Ibn A-Rumiyyah Abul'Abbas (Annabati) Botany
1173 - Rasheed Aldeen Al-Suri Botany
1184 - Al-Tifashi, Shihabud-Deen (Attifashi) Metallurgy, Stones
1201 - Nasir al-Din al-Tusi Astronomy, Non-Euclidean Geometry
1203 - Ibn Abi-Usaibi'ah, Muwaffaq Al-Din Medicine
1204 (Died) - Al-Bitruji (Alpetragius) Astronomy
1213 - Ibn Al-Nafis Anatomy Damishqui
1236 - Kutb Aldeen Al-Shirazi Astronomy, Geography
1248 (Died) - Ibn Al-Baitar Pharmacy, Botany
1258 - Ibn al-Banna (Al Murrakishi), Azdi Medicine, Mathematics
1262 (Died) - Al-Hassan Al-Murarakishi Mathematics, Astronomy, Geography
1273 - Al-Fida (Abdulfeda) Astronomy, Geography
1306 - Ibn Al-Shater Al Dimashqi Astronomy, Mathematics
1320 (Died) - Al Farisi Kamalud-deen Abul-Hassan Astronomy, Physics
1341 (Died) - Al-Jildaki, Muhammad Ibn Aidamer Alchemy
1351 - Ibn Al-Majdi, Abu Abbas Ibn Tanbugha Mathematics, Astronomy
1359 - Ibn Al-Magdi, Ibn Shihab-Udden Tanbugha Mathematic, Astronomy

Names, World, Science, Scientist Islam, Muslim Scientists, Islam, the Golden Age, Inventors - Inventors Islam, Islamic civilization, History, Islamic History, Scientist-Islam
With menukir to the golden age of Islam in the old days, a moment of course we are proud to know that all kinds of knowledge that exist in our present moment is thanks to the services of scientists Muslim world that has almost a thousand years ago, when Muslims are the torch bearers of knowledge in the dark ages. They created an Islamic civilization, driven by inquiry and invention, which made the rest of the world envy for centuries.
Its architects designed buildings that defied gravity. Its mathematicians created the algebra and algorithms that would enable computers and data encryption can be created. Is the doctor who examined the human body, and found new cures for diseases. Its astronomers looked into the heavens, named the stars, and paved the way for space travel and exploration. Its writers created thousands of stories; stories of struggle, romance and magic. When other nations were afraid of ideas, this civilization thrived on them and make them full of energy. When science is threatened removed due to censorship by previous civilizations, this civilization keep science alive, and pass it on to other civilizations. When modern western civilization was sharing this knowledge, civilization I'm talking about is the Islamic world began in the year 800 to 1600, which included the Ottoman Empire and the city of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo, and enlightened rulers like Suleiman the Magnificent. Although we are often unaware of our indebtedness to this other civilization, its gifts are part of our heritage. The technology industry would not exist without the contributions of Arab mathematicians. "

Actually, it is very difficult to find a field of science that is not indebted to the pioneers of this. Below is a short list, the Muslim philosopher who opened the horizons of science in the world, namely the Muslim scientists from the eighth century to the 14th century.

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