Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

Historia Scientica Islamica


Historia Scientica Islamica

History of the struggle of Muslims in the world civilization has been in a very long time, more or less around 13 centuries, namely Messenger since the leadership in Al-Madinah continued by Daulah Rashidun (632-661M) until the ousting Ottoman Turkish Empire on 28 Rajab in 1342 H or coincided with date March 3, 1924 M. At the time the success and the top athlethe many born Muslim scientists caliber international who has reached the papers extraordinary and beneficial for mankind. This era happened for more than 700 years, starting from the twentieth century 6 M until the 12th century M. At that time control world civilization cavalier Muslims.
When great success Islamic civilization, search spirit knowledge is so thick in daily life. Search spirit knowledge that evolved into a tradition intellectuals historically started from the understanding of the Qur'an, which was revealed to God's Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (saas) that he understood, interpreted and developed by the prophet's companions, tabiin, tabi' tabiin and the scholars who come after by reference to Prophet Muhammad's wives.
Now the time the success and golden age Islamic civilisation at least can be classified as follows:

The Era our Prophet Muhammad SAW (622-632M) and period Rashidun (632-661 M)
success in building our Prophet Muhammad (saas)Islamic civilisation unmatched in history achieved in the last 23 years, that is 13 years to prepare for the same Mecca (Makiyyah) and 10-year period Al-Madinah (Medinan Sura).  23-Year period is a life span less than one generation, where She was, which had control over the nations that older their civilizations at that time, especially Romans, Persians and Egypt.

A French think named Dr. Gustave Le Bone said:
"In a century to 3 generations, there were no nations man can make changes that reflect. French people need 30 descent or 1000 new year to form a society that beridentitas France. This was also found in all the people and the people without exception in addition from the nation, because Muhammad the Messenger has been able to build a new community within one generation (23 years) that could not be imitated or made by other".
The apostolic times at the end of the period Mohammed's Medina was the top Islamic civilization, because eastward Islamic system perfected and be established in public life, nation and country. As God says that it is written in the Qur'an "On this day has fashioned for you and completed My favor unto my blessing to you, and have acting rightly Islam, so religion for you".  (Surat. Al-Ma'ida : 3).
The generation that time is best generation as God says:
"You are the best of Peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining ma'ruf, and forbid ones, and believing in Allah".  (Surat. Ali Imran : 110).

Period  Daulah Umaiyah (661-750M)
The Daulah Umaiyah lasted for more or less 90 years. Some of the Caliph Umayyad Caliphate is great muawiya Abi Sufyan (661-680 M), Abdul Malik (685- 705 M), Al-Waleed bin Abdul Malik (705-715 M), Umar bin Abdul Aziz (717- 720 M) and hashim Ibn Abdul Malik (724- 743 M).  Berlangsungya Early period Daulah Umaiyah more priority to the expansion territory. Expansion territory that it stopped at the Caliph Uthman and the Four Rightly Ali Ibn Abi Talib continued again by Daulah Umaiyah. In those days I, Tunisia conquered. In the East, I can be controlled the area Khurasan came to the Oxus River and Afghanistan to Kabul. The Host seawater did the attacks, the capital city of Constantinople Byzantium. Expansion in the Middle east that will be done I then followed by the Caliph Abd Malik. He sent the army crossed the Oxus River and which has subjected Balkh, Bukhara, Ibnu Khawarizm, Ferghana and the Amulet of Samarkand. His forces and even to India and able to control Baluchistan, Sind and the Punjab to Maltan.
Expansion to the West in large-scale continued in the Al-Waleed bin Abdul Malik. The era of Al-Walid is the peace, prosperity and order, where Muslims feel happy life. During his reign that runs less than ten years, noted that at the end of 711 M conduct a military expedition from North Africa towards the Southwestern region, the European continent. After Algeria and Morocco can ditundukan, Tariq ibn Ziyad, commander of the Muslim army, with troops crossing the strait that separates Morocco with the European continent, and landed at a place now known as Gibraltar (Jabal Tariq). Spanish army can be defeated. Thus, Spain was subjected to further expansion. The capital of Spain, Cordova, with can be mastered quickly. Following after that other cities such as Seville, Elvira and Toledo were used as the new capital of Spain after the fall of Cordova. Islamic forces gained the victory with ease due to the support of local people who have long suffered from the cruelty of rulers. At the time of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, the attack was carried to France through the mountains Piranee. This attack led by Aburrahman bin Abdullah Al-Ghafiqi. He began by attacking Bordeaux, Poitiers. From there he tried to attack Tours. However, in a battle that occurred outside the town of Tours, Al-Ghafiqi killed, and his army retreated back to Spain. Besides the areas mentioned above, the islands located in the Mediterranean Sea also fell into the hands of Islam at the time of the Umayyads.
With the successful expansion into several areas, both in the east and the west, the Islamic empire Umayyad period is really very broad. Areas that include Spain, North Africa, Syria, Palestine, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, parts of Asia Minor, Persia, Afghanistan, the region is now called Pakistan, Turkmenia, Uzbek, and Kyrgyz in Central Asia. Besides the expansion of Islamic rule, the Umayyads also done much to development in various fields. In the field of scientific development, the Umayyad Daula begin by issuing a strategic policy. Is Caliph Abdul Malik (685-705M) is the first successful Khalifah did share reform of public administration, where he ordered the use of Arabic as an official language of government and state administration throughout the Islamic lands stretching from Thian Shan Mountains in the east to the Pyrenees Mountains in Next West, including in many other state administration. In further developments Arabic became the common language as the language of instruction of the world (lingua franca), also a diplomatic language between the Nation between the West and the East and even develop into a scientific language until the time of renaissance. Until Roger Bacon (1214-1294 AD) of Oxford's most experts thought the British, according to Ecyclopedia Britannica, 1951, volume II, pages 191-197, pushing such a way to learn Arabic in order to obtain highly pure knowledge, which states that: "Roger Bacon, placing beside Aristole Averroes and Avicenna, recomends the study of Arabic as the only way of getting the knowledge roomates bad versions Obscured ", which" recommends studying Arabic as the only way to obtain the knowledge that has been obscured by versions ugly "before. Progress intellectual tradition and knowledge at the time of the Umayyad Daula in Andalusia perceived by the European public. Oliver Leaman describe the condition of the intellectual life there as follows:
"... .In Past great civilizations appeared in Andalus, anyone in Europe who want to know something scientifically he should go to Andalus. At that time a lot of problems in Latin literature that is still unresolved, and if someone goes to Andalus then on his return from there he was suddenly able to resolve those problems. So Islam in Spain has a reputation for hundreds of years and topped the highest in the knowledge of philosophy, science, engineering and mathematics. He is similar to the American position today, where several important universities are ".
In the other fields, the development is done Muawiyah them establish post offices and certain places by providing a complete horse with his equipment along the way. He also tried to curb the armed forces and printing of currency. At the time, a special office of a judge (qadi) began to develop into its own profession. Qadhi is a specialist in their field. Caliph Abdul Malik currency change Byzantine and Persian used in areas controlled by Islam. To that end, he scored a separate currency in the year 659 AD by using words and Arabic script. The success of Caliph Abdul Malik followed by his son Al-Walid bin Abdul Malik (705-715 AD), a strong-willed and capable of carrying out the construction. He built homes for the disabled. All personnel involved in humanitarian work are paid by the state permanently. He also built roads connecting one region to another, factories, government buildings and magnificent mosques.
In the trade field namely during the Islamic civilization has mastered the world trade since the beginning of the Umayyad Daula (661-750M), where the Indian Ocean coast to the Sind Valley, so intertwined unity vast territory from East to West which has implications for the smooth traffic trade plains between China and the western hemisphere Thian Shan mountains through the Silk Road (Silk Road) is famous for, which then opens also the trade route through the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Aden that connects the trading cities along the coast of the European continent, causing "Europe needs at that time very dependent on trade activity in the territory of Islam ".

Daula Abbasid Period (750 AD - 1258 AD)
Sovereignty Abbasid period lasted for 508 years, a fairly long span of history in a civilization. Based on changes in patterns of government and politics, historians typically divide the reign of Bani Abbas into five periods:
(1) First Period (750 M 847 M), called the first period of Persian influence;
(2) Second Period (847 AD-945 AD), called the first period of Turkish influence;
(3) Third Period (945 AD-1055 AD), a period of dynastic power in the government Buwaih Abbasid Caliphate. This period is also called a second period of Persian influence;
(4) Fourth Period (1055 AD-1194 AD), the reign of the Seljuk dynasty Bani Abbasid Caliphate in the government; usually referred to as the second period of Turkish influence; (5) Fifth period (1194 AD-1258 AD), the time of Caliph free from the influence of another dynasty, but his power is only effective in around the city of Baghdad.

Unlike in the period of the Umayyad, Abbasid Daula first period prioritize development of Islamic civilization and culture rather than territorial expansion. Noted the historical fact that the period of the Abbasid sovereignty is a brilliant achievement in the Islamic world in the fields of science, technology and philosophy. At that time two-thirds of the world is ruled by the Islamic Caliphate.
Period of ten first Caliph of the Abbasid Daula was the era (golden) Islamic civilization, where Baghdad experienced a rapid advancement of science. Politically, the caliphs actually was a strong character and is the center of political power and religion as well. On the other hand, the prosperity of the people reached the highest level. This period also succeeded in preparing the foundation for the development of philosophy and science in Islam. But after this period expires, the Bani Abbas government began to decline in the political field, although the philosophy and science continues to evolve.
In the past ten first Caliph, the crowning achievement of progress of Islamic civilization occurred during the reign of Harun al-Rashid (786-809 AD). Harun Al-Rashid is an expert pious caliph figure of worship, happy bershadaqah, very loved science and loved the scholars, happy to be criticized and longed advice mainly from the scholars. During his reign to do a translation movement of Greek books by paying the translators of the Christians and adherents of other religions who are experts. He also established many schools, which is one of the major work is the development of Baitul Hikmah, a translation center that serves as a university with a huge library. Libraries at the time it is more of a university, because in addition there are books, there are also people can read, write and discuss.
Harun Al-Rashid also use a lot of wealth to be used for social purposes. Hospitals, educational institutions physicians, and pharmacy established. In his time there were already at least 800 people physician. In addition, public baths were also built. Welfare, social, health, education, science, and culture and literature are in its golden age. During this period the Islamic state established itself as the strongest country that is unmatched.    The development of educational institutions at the time of Harun Al Rashid reflects the development and progress of science. It is largely determined by the development of the Arabic language, either as an administrative language that has been in effect since the Umayyad era, as well as the language of science.
In the reign of the first Abbasid also born priests live four schools of law that Imam Abu Hanifa (700-767 AD), Imam Malik (713-795 AD), Imam Shafi'i (767-820 AD) and Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (780 -855 M).
Achievement of the progress of the Islamic world in the fields of science can not be separated from the open attitude of the Islamic government at that time to the various cultures of nations previously such as Greece, Persia, India and others. Translation movement done since the Caliph Al-Mansur (745-775 AD) to Harun Al-Rashid has implications for the development of general science, particularly in the fields of astronomy, medicine, philosophy, chemistry, pharmacy, biology, physics and history.
According Demitri Gutas process of translation in the Abbasid era driven by social motives, political and intellectual. This means that the parties to both the elements of society, the ruling elite, businessmen and scholars involved in this process, so the effects are culturally very large.
Translation movement in those days was followed by a period of great creativity, as a new generation of scientists and experts think the Muslims who learned it then build the knowledge gained to contribute them in various fields of science.
According to Marshall, the process pengislaman traditions far it has done more than just integrate and improve, it has produced extraordinary creative energy. According to him, the period of the Caliphate in the Islamic history was a period of development in the fields of science, knowledge and culture, which at that time had given birth to great figures in the fields of philosophy and science as Ibn Sina, Ibn Rushd, Al-Farabi.
Various educational center where studying with major libraries have sprung up in Cordova, Palermo, Nishapur, Cairo, Baghdad, Damascus, and Bukhara, which at the same time have outperformed Europe who drowned in darkness for centuries. Political and cultural life from both Muslims and non-Muslims of the era carried out within the framework of Islam and the Arabic language, although there are differences of religion and tribal plural.
At that time Muslims have managed to do an accelerated, outpacing civilization that existed at that time. The tradition of scientific, intellectual tradition through penerjamahan movement followed by probe movement that is supported by strong spirit of collaboration and search, the development of science is evolving rapidly, resulting in a leap of progress in various fields of science that has spawned a variety of outstanding scientific work.
According to Oliver Leaman translation process that Muslim scientists do not just translate Greek works in ansich, but also examine the texts, comment, modify and assimilate the teachings of Islam. The assimilation process according to Thomas Brown occur when the Islamic civilization has been solid. Science, philosophy and Greek kedoketeran adopted so that entry into the Islamic way of life environment. This process illustrates the high level of creativity so that the Muslim scientists of the process has given birth to new ideas that are completely different from Greek thought and may even be foreign to Greek thought.
At the early stages of development of power, Islam has contributed to the world in the form of three types of essential tools, namely paper (paper), compass (compass) and gunpowder (gunpowder). The invention of the printing press (movable types) in China at the end of the 8th century AD and the invention of a similar print in the West in the mid 15th century by Johann Gutenberg, according to the book Historians' History of the World, will be no meaning and use if it is not Arabs first find ways for papermaking.
Glorious achievement as the implications of the translation movement performed at the time of the Abbasid Daula was very evident at the birth of the renowned Muslim scientists and international caliber such as:
Al-Biruni on the physical sciences and medicine;
Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber) in chemistry;
Al-Khwarizmi (Algorism) in mathematics;
Al-Kindi (philosophy);
Al-Fazari, Al-Fargani, Al-Bitruji (astronomy);
Abu Ali al-Hasan ibn Haythami in the field of engineering and optics;
Ibn Sina (Avicenna), known as Father of Modern Medicine;
Ibn Rushd (Averroes) in the field of philosophy;
Ibn Khaldun (history, sociology)

They all have laid the foundation in the various fields of science. Some other Muslim scholars during the Abbasid Daula whose work is recognized the world including:
Al-Razi (teacher of Ibn Sina), working in the field of chemistry and medicine, produces 224 titles, 140 books on medicine, translated into Latin. The most famous book is Al-Hawi Fi 'Ilm At Tadawi (30 volumes, containing about the kinds of disease and healing efforts). His books became reference materials and guide physicians throughout Europe until the 17th century, Al-Razi was the first character that distinguish between smallpox to measles. He was also the first to compile a book about pediatrics. Afterward, kedokteraan science in the hands of Ibn Sina.
Al-Battani (Al-Batenius), an astronomer. The results of the calculation of the earth around the center of the solar system within 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, 24 seconds, anywhere near accurate. The most famous book Kitab Al Zij in Latin: De Scienta Stellerum u De Numerical Stellerumet Motibus, where the oldest translation of his work still exist in Vatican.
Al Ya'qubi, a geographer, historian and traveler. The oldest book in the history of geography titled Al Buldan (891), which was reissued by the Netherlands with the title Waddih qui dicitur Ibn al-Ya'qubi Historiae.
Al Buzjani (Abul Wafa). He developed some important theories in mathematics (geometry and trigonometry).
History has proven that the Islamic contribution to the advancement of science in the modern world became undeniable historical fact. Even stems from the world of Islam is the science experience transmission (distribution, transmission), dissemination and proliferation (development) to the Western world that were previously covered by the term 'the Dark Ages' to encourage the emergence of the renaissance era or enlightenment (enlightenment) in Europe. Through the Islamic world was the one they had access to explore and develop modern science. According to George Barton, when the Western world is ripe enough to feel the need for deeper knowledge, attention first of all is not addressed to Greek sources, but to Arab sources.
Before Islam came, according Gustav Le Bon, Europe is in a state of darkness, none of the advanced science even more superstitious. An interesting story happened at the time when the leadership of Daula Abbasid Harun al-Rashid, when he sends clock as a gift on a ruler in the European Charlemagne. A timer that goes off every hour by the bishop and the monk suspected that in that hour there genie so that they feel frightened, because it is regarded as a magical item. During that period and subsequent periods, both in the East and in parts of Western Christian Christians still use the hourglass as the timing
How is the condition of the darkness of Europe in the Middle Ages (9th century AD) not only on the mental aspects which tend to be superstitious, so does the physical aspect of the material. It is as described by William Drapper:
"In those days the Capital of Islamic rule in Cordova is the most civilized city in Europe, 113,000, 21 suburbs, 70 libraries and bookstores, mosques and palaces are many. Cordova becomes of the renowned all over the world, where long road for miles and has hardened illuminated with lights from *the houses ditepinya. While conditions in London seven centuries after it (the 15th century AD), one light umumpun no. In Paris centuries after the time of Cordova, people who stepped over the threshold of the door in the rain, walked up to his ankles into the mud ". According to Philip K. Hitti, civilization distance between the Muslims under the leadership of Harun Al-Rashid civilization far beyond that of the Christians led Charlemagne.
The middle of the 9th century AD Islamic civilization has been covering the whole of Spain. The entry of Islam into Spain which after Abdurrahman ad-Dakhil (756 AD) managed to build a government based in Andalusia. Through Spain, Sicily and Southern France which are directly under the rule of Islam, Islamic civilization into Europe. Arabic became the international language used by various tribes in various countries in the world. Cordova Baghdad in the East and in the West, two giant cities of Islam enlighten the world with glorious light. Around the year 830 AD, King Alfonsi Asturian has brought two Islamic scholars to educate their heirs. School of Medicine, founded in Montpellier, France fostered by some people Grand Master of Andalusia. The scientific excellence of the Muslims spread far into Europe and attract intellectuals and aristocrats West to its lands. Among them were Roger Bacon (British), Gerbert d'Aurillac who later became the first French pope with the title of Sylvester II, for 3-year stay in Toledo to study mathematics, astronomy, chemistry and other sciences of Islamic scholars.
It is not surprising, because at that time the ruling Islamic caliphate Spain into learning centers (centers of learning) for European society at the University of Cordova. In Andalusia's why they are widely studied, and of the country appear the names of great scholars such as:
Imam Ash-Syathibi author of the book Al-Muwafaqat, a book on Usul Fiqh very influential.
Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi author of the book Al-Fashl fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa 'wa al-Nihal, a book on comparative sects and religions of the world, where such evidence has inspired the writers of the West to do the same.
In Andalusia (Southern Spain), various university at the time was met by many Catholic students from France, Britain, Germany and Italy. At that time, the Christian youth from various countries in Europe were sent in droves to a number of universities in Andalusia in order to gain the science and technology of Muslim scientists. Is Gerard of Cremona, Campanus of Navarra, Aberald of Bath, Albert and Daniel of Morley who has been studying so much from the Muslim scientists, to then go home and use them effectively for research and development in each nation.
From this and a revolution of thought and culture has broken out and spread to the whole society and the whole continent. The Christian youths who previously had much to learn from the Muslim scientists, has successfully performed a transformation of values ​​superior to Islamic civilization which is then implemented in their civilization (West) which in turn has implications for advances in various fields of science.
The splendor of the development of science and knowledge in the Islamic world is indicated by the many libraries are scattered in cities and lands of Islam that number is very fantastic. History records, library at Cordova in the 10th century AD had 600,000 volumes. Library Darul Hikmah at Cairo had 2,000,000 volumes. Al-Hakim in Andalusia Library has many books in 40 rooms that each room contains 18,000 volumes. Library Abudal Daulah in Shiros (Southern Iran) books meet 360 rooms. While hundreds of years later (15th century AD), according to the Encyclopedia Catholik records, library Canterbury Church which is the library's most affluent Western world when the amount does not exceed 1,800 book volumes.
History also noted that Archbishop Raymond in Spain set up a Translator Board in Toledo that aimed to translate the majority of Muslim scholars essay about science, astronomy, chemistry, medicine, philosophy, and others. Where the time needed to translate that over a half a century (1135-1284 AD).
From centers of Islamic civilization which includes Baghdad, Damascus, Cordova, Seville, Granada and Istanbul, has been emitting light that illuminates sparkling all over the world especially Cordova, Seville, Granada, which is part of the Muslim rule in Spain has made a major contribution to growth and the development of modern civilization in the Western world.
Until the Ottoman Caliphate period Prolapse
In the Ottoman era, historians agree that the days of Caliph Sulaiman Al-Qanuni (1520-1566 AD) is the glory days and the greatness of his time has been outperforming the European countries in the fields of military, science and politics.
After the end of the rule Daula Abbasid Islamic leadership continues with the leadership of the Ottoman Daulah. Daula Ottoman which is also known as the Turkish Ottoman Empire, or Empire, founded by Bani Uthman, who for more than six centuries of its power (1299 till 1923) led by 36 people sultan, before finally collapsed and fragmented into several smaller states.
The Sultanate has become a center of interaction between the West and the East for six centuries. At the height of its power, the Ottoman Empire was divided into 29 provinces with Constantinople (now Istanbul) as its capital. In the 16th century and into the 17th, the Ottoman Empire became one of the world's major powers with a strong navy. The power of the Ottoman Empire gradually eroded in the 19th century, until finally completely collapsed in the 20th century enemies of Islam took over a century to break the bonds of Islamic ideology of the body of Muslims, which in the end date of March 3, 1924 M which coincides with the 28th of Rajab 1342 Hijri, through Mustafa Kemal Ataturk who is a British agent and a member of Freemasonry (a Jewish organization), dissolve the institution last Islamic Caliphate in Turkey and replacing it with the Republic of Turkey. So, since that time the Islamic ideology completely buried is marked with the removal of the caliphate institution by the Turkish national assembly and the expulsion of the last Caliph.

Listen to how great the contribution of Islam to the birth of the world-wide Islamic civilization, especially in terms of science and technology, real progress comes from the West at the beginning of Islamic civilization. Western world is now actually have to thank Muslims. But in reality the West (non Muslims) have deliberately cover up a huge role on the merit of the fighters and the Muslim scientist who eventually abandoned even forgotten. Therefore, Muslims need to re-inflame the Muslim scientists scientific spirit over immense contribution to the civilization of mankind in the world to welcome back the glory of Islam and his people.
We can listen, that the crowning achievement of mastery of science and technology in the glory days of the Muslim past is closely linked to the establishment of the Caliphate system, where the system is globally integrated command that act politically in line with the role of religion. We also get an overview of the history that the figure of the previous leaders pious statesman than as a reliable and qualified, as well as a scholar wara 'were afraid of his Lord, love science and love people. On this aspect we can see the integration of the three main pillars in the formation of Islamic civilization, namely religion, politics and science integrated into the control system of the Caliphate / Khilafah led by a caliph.
Sustainability of the system, especially since the days of the Caliphate Daula Daula Umayyad and Abbasid Khalifa though it may be mulk (estapeta / leadership based on the descent / dynasty), which sometimes led by the pious and once upon a time led by the injustice and lawlessness, but the worst of conditions at the time of the Caliphate, still much better than the period after tercerabutnya Caliphate, because during the Caliphate, Islamic law is still upright and adhered to by Muslims, as well as their adherence to various fatwas of the scholars.

Overcast early Islamic civilization that have occurred since the 8th century Hijra (13th century AD) until the 14th century Hijra (20th century AD) which has resulted in the transition process of Islamic civilization to Western keperadaban marked by the Enlightenment in the West as well as the occurrence of colonization , conquest and annexation of the Muslim countries by war fleet from Western countries was caused by the weakening of the political legitimacy of the Islamic world because of the role of the Caliphate tend to be symbols and merely ceremonial, until the fall of the Caliphate in the Islamic world. From there then the start of the hegemony of the West against the Islamic world.
So, actually the main factor defeat and weakening the role of Muslims is not so much the strength of the enemies of Islam, but rather due to the weakening of the powers Muslims caused by the act of disobedience is done. Most notably in the form of an attitude of disobedience associating Allah (polytheists) in worship, and do not care anymore on various rules (shari'ah) is commanded.
Immoral acts committed by Muslims that is what has been feared by Umar bin Khattab ra when he became Caliph. This, as we can see from his written message ever conveyed to Sa'ad bin Abi Waqash when it will face a battle. On it was written the following message:
Umar bin Kaththab ra. has written a letter to Sa'ad bin Abi Waqash ra: "We command you and to all the troops you are leading, so that taqwa in all circumstances, because the pious to Allah is seutama-primary preparatory and most powerful strategy in the face of battle. I Similarly commanded you and forces you to lead in order to really keep away from the sinner. Because sinners are you doing at the time struggled more than I worry about the strength of the enemy, for you will be helped by the enemies of God if God had done little immoral, because if not so you will not have the strength because our numbers are not as much as the number of their troops, where they are different preparations with the preparation we do. If we have the same sinner as was done by our enemies, the strength of the enemy will intensify. It the weight we will be able to defeat our enemy if only rely on the strength that we have, except by relying on our faith in God and always keep away from the sinner ... ".
All the good things of the predecessors of Muslims should be a reflection of an example to us, while all the things that are less good, actually serve as a very valuable lesson. So that someday golden era and the glory of Islam can we achieve back.

Dark Ages, a period of darkness in question is considered to be a time when the world was full of ignorance and chaos when it reversed after scientists studied deeply conscious and explore the history, there were situations glories of Islamic civilization from the above remarks already made many contributions to the world of today , Various disciplines have been developed by scientists around the world with Muslim civilization centers are in Baghdad, Spain (Andalusia) through some periods that berlalu.Tulisan caliphate is opening insights and reference material for anyone who wants to learn and take many lessons from history Islamic civilization that once ruled the world 2/3 for> 10 century?
The western world impressed many are reluctant to cover the history of world civilization honestly reveal mostly in the wake of the Islamic civilization, especially in the field of science. Various things in the world is not separated from the discoveries that were found and created by many Muslim scientists. This way of trying to cover up the role of Muslims in the intellectual world in a way that is stupid, but the world continues to grow and continues to evolve the way pikirpun, historical relics can not be hidden
1. From the world of time travel science culturally prosecuted honest through reference retrieval system of knowledge gained previously as do Muslim scientists took dasar2 den then develop scientific Greece
2. Muslim Scientists are maintaining the trust because cling to the teachings of their religion are required to do that

Call it a wide range of fields such as physics, biology, mathematics, astronomy, astrology, medicine, the arts, culture, music, economics, sociology and banyaak field of science that created and built by scientists Muslims during the - / + 10 centuries. And concepts and their inventions are still used even partially in the claim as their invention. Ibn Sina heritage books until now in the Museum of New York
Thankful Muslims are taught by the Prophet to be thorough and honest in doing so every step scientists were certainly recorded and pupils have to continue, then we can conclude that the term Dark Ages is the result kebodohon thieves science or an admission of not being able to see the development of the world at that time
Whereas since the 7th century through Baitul Hikmah in Baghdad and research centers in Andalusia, Spain, later to become the central point of scientific discoveries of various disciplines which is currently a reference ilmuwan2 world. Ironically, all fields of science it's all summed up beautifully in the books and manuscripts of research scientists are currently many Muslims in the 'collection' in libraries in Europe and America. What about the real heir, namely our Muslim Ummah? We can only be a spectator and admirer of creation scientists west, that's all. And ironically again the results that we enjoy invention is a development of what has been discovered by scientists earlier Muslims.
It is the Muslim Ummah who should inherit and carry forward various inventions of science and scientists early Muslims. But what about the fact that at this time? We only become consumers and not producers. Admirers and not admired. Connoisseurs and not the created.
It is our Muslim Ummah which should contribute further to kemashlahatan mankind as the true Islam is a mercy to all the worlds ... Rahmatan lil Alamin.
Even 2/3 vocabulary Indonesian and Malay language was the vocabulary uptake of Arabic, the language of the Quran that was deliberately developed by the previous scholars to facilitate the propaganda in this country. And now all of the terms and vocabulary in society we too have shifted even indirectly replaced gradually by the vocabulary westernized.

Ironic ...
Nevertheless, we should not be complacent and insecure, instead we should be more active to explore various fields of science and foster the spirit of love Qu'ran in the family in order to print the next generation who faqih and qur'ani so that later can print new scientists qur'ani and to benefit the community. Because in truth, the majority of Muslim scholars triumphed in the heyday of Islam that is the penghafal and reviewers Qu'ran, make Qu'ran as a basis of reference the various fields of science scientifically. Because true Islam is not just a ritual worship it ... but more than that, the guidelines and instructions to all men in all areas of life to achieve salvation and happiness in this world and the hereafter.
By looking at the chart at the top of the 5th century until the 16th century, they call it the dark ages. Analyzes whether the century is full of ignorance, and who is stupid? If we want to dig a little bit of history, in the 8th century in Baghdad alone has established hospitals and in Fez Morocco has been established University. The lesson for us that the search for knowledge that should be based on the honesty, until now the ideas of the philosophers of Islam in the form of manuscripts on medicine, mathematics, pharmacy now in Museum2 in the US and in major European cities
With menukir to the golden age of Islam in the old days, a moment of course we are proud to know that all kinds of knowledge that exist in our present moment is thanks to the services of scientists Muslim world that has almost a thousand years ago, when Muslims are the torch bearers of knowledge in the dark ages. They created an Islamic civilization, driven by inquiry and invention, which made the rest of the world envy for centuries.
Its architects designed buildings that defied gravity. Its mathematicians created the algebra and algorithms that would enable computers and data encryption can be created. Is the doctor who examined the human body, and found new cures for diseases. Its astronomers looked into the heavens, named the stars, and paved the way for space travel and exploration. Its writers created thousands of stories; stories of struggle, romance and magic. When other nations were afraid of ideas, this civilization thrived on them and make them full of energy. When science is threatened removed due to censorship by previous civilizations, this civilization keep science alive, and pass it on to other civilizations. When modern western civilization was sharing this knowledge, civilization I'm talking about is the Islamic world began in the year 800 to 1600, which included the Ottoman Empire and the city of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo, and enlightened rulers like Suleiman the Magnificent. Although we are often unaware of our indebtedness to this other civilization, its gifts are part of our heritage. The technology industry would not exist without the contributions of Arab mathematicians. "
Actually, it is very difficult to find a field of science that is not indebted to the pioneers of this. Below is a short list, without any intention to express it as the most complete, Muslim scientists from the eighth century to the 14th century specialized in the medical world and the physics is more structured with detailed step-development.
Names, World, Science, Scientist Islam, Muslim Scientists, Islam, the Golden Age, Inventors - Inventors Islam, Islamic civilization, History, Islamic History, Scientist-Islam
With menukir to the golden age of Islam in the old days, a moment of course we are proud to know that all kinds of knowledge that exist in our present moment is thanks to the services of scientists Muslim world that has almost a thousand years ago, when Muslims are the torch bearers of knowledge in the dark ages. They created an Islamic civilization, driven by inquiry and invention, which made the rest of the world envy for centuries.
Its architects designed buildings that defied gravity. Its mathematicians created the algebra and algorithms that would enable computers and data encryption can be created. Is the doctor who examined the human body, and found new cures for diseases. Its astronomers looked into the heavens, named the stars, and paved the way for space travel and exploration. Its writers created thousands of stories; stories of struggle, romance and magic. When other nations were afraid of ideas, this civilization thrived on them and make them full of energy. When science is threatened removed due to censorship by previous civilizations, this civilization keep science alive, and pass it on to other civilizations. When modern western civilization was sharing this knowledge, civilization I'm talking about is the Islamic world began in the year 800 to 1600, which included the Ottoman Empire and the city of Baghdad, Damascus and Cairo, and enlightened rulers like Suleiman the Magnificent. Although we are often unaware of our indebtedness to this other civilization, its gifts are part of our heritage. The technology industry would not exist without the contributions of Arab mathematicians. "
Actually, it is very difficult to find a field of science that is not indebted to the pioneers of this. Below is a short list, the Muslim philosopher who opened the horizons of science in the world, namely the Muslim scientists from the eighth century to the 14th century.

Full name Abu Zakariyya Ibn Yuhanna Masawaiyh, popularly nicknamed Ibn Masawaiyh, but the West called him Mesue. He was a famous doctor in the ninth century AD that has contributed greatly to the development of science in his time with the effort of translation of Greek works. In society, the figure of Ibn Musawayh greatly admired for his intellectual ability in the field of medical science. She has worked as a court physician. He is a pioneer in laying the foundations of the Islamic pharmaceutical and managed to make a number of aromatic botanicals.
His career as a renowned physician began during the reign of al-Rasyd to al-Mutawakkil. During his work at the court, Ibn Masawayh friends with Ibrahim bin al-Mahdi. Both have in common, which have a very big interest in science Greece, as well as Arabic poetry. They both studied a number of translations of Greek scientists routinely. In addition, Masawayh also introduced with sons ar-Rasyd, one of whom was Abu al-Abbas Mohammed. In the palace, Ibn Musawayh gets a place of honor
Ibn fame skyrocketed Musawayh quickly making hostility some people, especially his position as court physician is the dream of every expert. At that time, a tough competitor is a family physician Ibn Masawayh Bukhtyashu that for 4 generations has been a family physician caliph. Buhktyashu families have different beliefs. They faiths Nestorian, that relate to the teachings of Greece and has a manuscript of Galen. They also believe that a wide range of disciplines, such as astrology, medicine, and chemistry, should be united in a single entity.
Ibn Masawaiyh has managed to gather about 30 bulbs, complete with physical methods of observation and diagnosis of the pharmacological effect. Ghaliyyah or mixing aromatic therapy has also been practiced in aromatic and perfume making process. Kamper brought by Indian traders from China used as raw material for medicine. Various spices used as materials research and development into materials and basic materials perfume herbal potions.
Ibn Masawayh not stop with just conduct research on a variety of plants to be used as a drug .. As a physicist, he is very understanding of the natural properties of various plants that can be used for healing through empirical methodology and analogies. Very famous discovery is the method of "diet" as a method of healing without drugs, as contained in his book Al-Mushajjar al-Kabir. Developments in the diet has provided an alternative method of treatment in other ways. Patients often consider him as a specialist diet. He seriously studied a variety of foods and beverages that can support the diet program.
Also fairly important contribution in the field of pharmaceutical development and pharmacology. One of Ibn Masawayh is the famous book Al-Mushajjar Al-Kabir. This book is a kind of encyclopedia that lists the following disease treatment method through medications and diet. There are two important works of Ibn Masawayh famous Arabic-Nawadir that an al-Thibbiyya (a collection of media notes), as well as the Kitab al-Azmina (a description of a wide variety of seasons of the year).
An- Nawadir al-Thibiyya is a book kumupulan theory and medical problems. In addition to the above two works, Ibn Masawayh also never produced a masterpiece of Latin, which Mesue. An award-winning work in Europe.
Until the fifteenth century, a Western medical expert named Peter Gulosinus found Mesue book contains many grains of pearl knowledge and give satisfaction as a teaching tool. Conversely, there are also some scholars as Lecrere, which sometimes dubious Ibn Masawayh in his book Mesue. However, readers in the West remain interested in Ibn Masawayh as a practicing physician who accomplished.
Furthermore previously, other Islamic scientists are ar-Razi even praised Ibn services Contines Masawayh in his work. It can be seen from the number of references cited from the book, especially about medical practices in addition to two other books that also he used. The second book is a Book of fevers (Book of Fever), which is a duplicate of the work of Hippocrates (Kitab al-Humayyat) and Kitab al-Adwiya al-Munakkiya. Both of these books are the books written by Ibn Masawayh are also in demand in the Middle Ages.

1 komentar:

  1. This is the complete story step regarding science, a script means a gift for us
