Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

1165 Muhammad ibn Aslam Al-Ghafiqi

Muhammad ibn Aslam Al-Ghafiqi (1165)

Muhammad ibn Aslam Al-Ghafiqi (d. 1165 CE) was a 12th-century Andalusian oculist and author of The Right Guide to Ophthalmology(Al-Murshid fi ’l-Kuhhl).
The book shows that the physicians of the time had a complex understanding of the conditions of the eye and eyelids, which they treated with many different surgical procedures, ointments, and chemical medicines.[1]
His name is Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Qassoum ibn Aslam Al-Ghafiqi (w 1165 m), An expert medicines native Andalusia (Spain), also known as one expert seoran ophthalmology (eye), the largest."He is the most intelligent botanists of his time," so George Sarton, Western historians call Al-Ghafiqi. He collected various types of plants that were received from Spain and Africa regions. Al-Ghafiqi make notes accurately describe the types of plants that collection. Description of the herbs that made Al-Ghafiqi recognized as the work of the proudest I've ever made a Muslim. "He gave the name of every plant in three languages, namely Arabic, Latin, and the Barbarian," Sarton said. Al-Ghafiqi phenomenal work entitled Al-Adwiyah al-Mufradah inspire Ibn Baytar for researching herbs in a simple way as did Al-Ghafiqi. In the field of drugs (pharmacology) he wrote the book of Al Adawiyah al Mufradah (Description of various drugs). Muslim scientists this one also contributes to the development of pharmacology and pharmacy. Al-Ghafiqi contribution to advancing the science of the composition, dosage, dispensing and storing medication he wrote in the book Al-Jami 'Al-Adwiyyah Al-Mufradah this. The treatise described the approach in methodology, experiments, and observations in pharmacology and pharmacy. In the field of ophthalmology (eye) he wrote the book of Al-Murshid fil Kuhl. Al-Ghafiqi many refer to the work of Ammar bin Ali Al-Mosuli but more emphasis on the study of brain tissue associated with the eye.


Cordoba public respect for Al-Ghafiqi. Until now Al-Ghafiqi name engraved in a hospital in Cordoba, which is used as a way to commemorate the services of these scientists

Biografi Al-Ghafiqi (Spesialis Mata & Ahli Botani)

Namanya Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn Qassoum ibn Aslam Al-Ghafiqi (w 1165 m), Seorang ahli obat-obatan asal Andalusia (Spanyol), juga dikenal sebagai salah seoran ahli opthalmologi (mata) terbesar.

”Dialah ahli botani paling cerdas pada masanya,” begitu George Sarton, ahli sejarah Barat menyebut Al-Ghafiqi. Ia mengoleksi beragam jenis tumbuh-tumbuhan yang diperolehnya dari wilayah Spanyol dan Afrika. Al-Ghafiqi membuat catatan yang menggambarkan secara akurat jenis-jenis tumbuhan koleksinya itu.

Deskripsi tentang tumbuh-tumbuhan yang dibuat Al-Ghafiqi diakui sebagai karya yang paling membanggakan yang pernah dibuat seorang Muslim. ”Dia memberi nama setiap tanaman dalam tiga bahasa, yaitu Arab, Latin, dan Barbar,” ujar Sarton. Karya fenomenal Al-Ghafiqi yang berjudul Al-Adwiyah al-Mufradah memberikan inspirasi kepada Ibnu Baytar untuk meneliti tumbuh-tumbuhan dengan cara sederhana seperti yang dilakukan Al-Ghafiqi.

Dalam bidang obat-obatan (farmakologi) ia menulis kitab Al Adawiyah al Mufradah (Uraian tentang berbagai macam obat). Ilmuwan Muslim yang satu ini juga turut memberi kontribusi dalam pengembangan farmakologi dan farmasi. Sumbangan Al-Ghafiqi untuk memajukan ilmu tentang komposisi, dosis, meracik dan menyimpan obat-obatan dituliskannya dalam kitab Al-Jami’ Al-Adwiyyah Al-Mufradah ini. Risalah itu memaparkan tentang pendekatan dalam metodelogi, eksperimen, serta observasi dalam farmakologi dan farmasi.

Dalam bidang opthalmologi (mata) ia menulis kitab Al-Murshid fil Kuhl. Al-Ghafiqi banyak merujuk kepada karya Ammar bin Ali Al-Mosuli tetapi lebih menekankan penelitian pada jaringan otak yang berhubungan dengan mata.

Masyarakat Cordoba sangat menghormati Al-Ghafiqi. Hingga kini nama Al-Ghafiqi terukir di rumah sakit di Cordoba, yang dipakai sebagai cara untuk mengenang jasa-jasa ilmuwan tersebut.

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