Abul Hasan Ali Al-Masu’di
(893 - Died 957 C.E.)
geography; cartography; exploration;

Al-Mas'udi, wisatawan, penulis, ensiklopedia Abbasiyah Arab
geografi dan polygraph. tepat di "zaman keemasan" lahir di Baghdad
pada 893 tewas 957 di al-Fustat-Misr al . Abu al-Hasan Ali bin al-Husain bin
'Ali al-Mas'udi mengatakan al-Mas'udi
Abū al-Ḥasan
‘Alī ibn al-Ḥusayn ibn
‘Alī al-Mas’ūdī dit al-Mas’udi
dalam "Historical Annals" (Akhbar ez-Zeman), kita
menggambarkan bentuk bumi, kota dan keajaiban; laut, lembah, gunung dan sungai
di sini; produk tambang, sungai yang berbeda, rawa-rawa, pulau-pulau di laut
atau danau; monumen besar dan bangunan dihormati. Kami menjelaskan kepada
asal-usul makhluk dan generasi prinsip, tidak seperti negara-negara di antara
mereka; kita mengatakan bahwa sungai ini telah menjadi laut, sebagai benua
laut; benua ini telah berubah ke laut dalam perjalanan waktu dan pergantian
abad, sebagai akibat dari pengaruh astronomi atau fisik. Kami menjelaskan
pembagian iklim tanah, pengaruh bintang-bintang, arah pegunungan dan tingkat
relatif dari tanah. Mengutip berbagai pendapat yang dikemukakan oleh orang
India dan orang-orang kafir lainnya zaman primitif, asal dan awal sejarah, kami
juga mencatat teori yang forensik yang disediakan oleh kitab suci dan didukung
oleh agama yang berbeda.
Dalam pendahuluan ini berhasil sejarah raja-raja kuno,
orang-orang lupa, bangsa dan suku-suku yang telah menghilang dari panggung
dunia; varietas ras dan spesies, perbedaan ibadah yang membedakan mereka;
maksim bijaksana mereka, pendapat dari para filsuf, sejarah raja-raja dan
kaisar mereka, seperti saat kami melewati mereka.
Kami menambahkan fakta-fakta umum ini biografi nabi, rasul
dan orang-orang kudus sampai Tuhan dibesarkan oleh kasih karunia-Nya dan
diilustrasikan karunia nubuat Muhammad, utusan-Nya (diberkati dan dikuduskan!)
kita diberitahu kelahiran Nabi, masa mudanya, misinya, penerbangan nya;
ekspedisi militer diperintahkan oleh dirinya sendiri atau oleh letnannya,
sampai saat kematiannya; Akhirnya, sejarah kekhalifahan dan kerajaan Muslim di
setiap periode, dan perang diprovokasi oleh Thalébites atau keturunan Ali,
yaitu, mengatakan pada masa pemerintahan al-lillah Mottaki, pangeran dari orang
percaya, tahun 332 Hijriyah dari (943 J. C).
Dari kitab (Kitab
al-Awsat), yang diriwayatkan secara kronologis, peristiwa masa lalu, sejak penciptaan
dunia sampai saat ini mengakhiri pekerjaan besar dan Sejarah rata-rata ini,
yang merupakan pelengkap nya.
Dari perjalanan Sindh, Zanguebar yang Sinf (South Cochin
China), Cina dan Zabedj (Jawa); dari Timur ke Barat, hinggabatas terakhir
Khorasan di pusat kota Armenia, Aderbaïdjan, yang Erran dari Beïlakan, dan
dieksplorasi pada gilirannya Irak dan Suriah.
Pada perjalanan ini sering beberapa raja, juga berbeda dalam
kebiasaan dan pendapat bahwa lokasi geografis negara mereka, dan secara
bertahap kami menemukan rumah kesepakatan yang sama untuk mengenali sisa-sisa
ilmu telah mereka menghilang dan kemegahan dipadamkan; penelitian, dengan
generalisasi, telah kehilangan kedalaman; kita hanya melihat orang-orang yang
penuh kesombongan dan kebodohan, ulama yang tidak sempurna yang ide-ide hanya
dangkal dan mengabaikan kebenaran.
Studi semacam ini muncul karena di doktrin dan keyakinan
yang berbeda; ini adalah: Kitab paparan prinsip-prinsip agama, Khotbah atas
dasar keyakinan, kitab kehidupan kerahasiaan dan Pengaturan bukti yang
mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip agama. Yang terakhir ini mengandung
prinsip-prinsip dan aturan-aturan yang harus diikuti dalam putusan; memberikan
kepastian bahwa kumpulan hukum apostolik dan yurisprudensi moudjtehid
(interpreter suci); aturan untuk menilai dan memutuskan apa yang terbaik;
pengetahuan tentang ayat-ayat al-Qur'an yang dicabut dan mereka diganti untuk
itu; apa yang dimaksud dengan suara bulat (ijma) dan apa yang merupakan hal;
beberapa cara untuk mengidentifikasi individu perintah umum larangan, diizinkan
hal-hal yang dilarang; tradisi umum dan orang-orang yang telah disahkan oleh
otoritas tunggal; perbuatan Nabi dan konsekuensi yang berasal untuk pengadilan;
kami akhirnya menemukan doktrin jelas dari lawan kami, sehingga ketika mereka
melawan ketika mereka setuju dengan kami.
; Akhirnya, penelitian kami tentang asal-usul dan komposisi
alam semesta dan benda-benda langit, pada bahan tebal atau halus yang melakukan
atau tidak termasuk dalam makna dan teori-teori filosofis tentang hal itu.
semua penulis ini diterapkan untuk tingkat kekuatan mereka,
dan telah membuat semua sumber daya bakat
Mohammed, putra Yahia es Souli, mengikuti jalan yang sama
dalam lembaran tentang sejarah Abbasiyah khalifah, wazir dan penyair mereka; ia
mengatakan beberapa fitur yang akan mencari sia-sia di tempat lain, dan itu
saja bisa mengenalnya, karena ia adalah saksi mata. Ini juga merupakan orang
yang berpendidikan, bervariasi pengetahuan dan penulis siap.
Sejarah wazir (Kitab al-Akhbar wazera), oleh Abu'l-Ali Akhan
bin al-Akhan, yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Ibnu al-Machitah menawarkan
kualitas yang sama; ia pergi ke akhir masa pemerintahan Radi-billah. Ini
mengakui prestasi yang sama Abu'l-Faraj Kodamah anak Jafar al-Katib, penulis
elegan dan asli, yang gaya, meskipun singkat, selalu jelas. Kami menemukan
bukti sebagai cerita yang disebut "The Flowers of Spring" (Kitab zahr
er-ReBi) dan Perjanjian kharadj nya; kita akan melihat dalam tulisan-tulisan
ini kebenaran dari apa yang kita katakan dan akurasi penilaian kami.
Abu'l-Qasim Jafar bin Muhammad bin Hamdan Moçoul dari
Penasihat Hukum, terdiri buku sejarah ia berjudul "The Mengagumkan"
(Kitab al-Bahir) untuk menyangkal Kitab taman (Kitab st -rouda) oleh
el-Mobarred. Hal ini juga harus Ibrahim, putra Mahaweïh Persia, sanggahan dari
Kamil al-Mobarred. Ibrahim, putra Musa el-el-Waçiti Katib, memberikan sejarah
wazir, di mana ia menyerang karya Muhammad bin Dawud bin al-Djerrah, pada
subjek yang sama. Ali bin al-Fath penulis, dijuluki el-Moutawak, menceritakan
kisah beberapa wazir dari Moktadir.
Lalu ada buku berjudul "The Flower mata dan
pengembangan hati" (Zekret el-el-ouïoun Kami Djela Kouloub) oleh al-Misri.
Kronis, Abd er-Rahman, putra Abd er-Rezzak, dijuluki el-Djordjani, es-Saadi.
Sejarah Abbasiyah, dll Ahmed, putra Yakub Mesir. Sejarah Abbasiyah dan pangeran
lainnya, oleh Abd Allah bin al-Hocein anak penulis Saad. Sejarah Moçoul dan
kota-kota lain, Abu Zokrah (?) Dari Moçoal. Sebuah koleksi sejarah, dll
Mohammed, putra Abu'l-Azhar, dan bukunya "pemberontakan dan
penghasutan." (Kitab al-heradj wel Ahdath).
Senan bin Tabit bin al-Korrah Harrani sebagai telah
dilakukan pekerjaan di luar yurisdiksi dan mengikuti jalan yang bukan miliknya,
ketika ia menulis buku ini, ia berbicara dalam bentuk Surat ke teman,
Sekretaris Diwan. Ini dimulai dengan informasi umum tentang sifat jiwa, divisi
mereka ke dalam jiwa rasional, berang dan penuh nafsu; memberikan garis besar
pemerintah, sesuai dengan teori-teori yang Plato di Republik nya dikeluarkan
dalam sepuluh sesi; ia cepat daftar tugas raja dan menteri, dan pergi ke narasi
peristiwa yang dia tidak menelepon yang bersangkutan, meskipun ia tidak saksi.
Dengan demikian datang ke sejarah Motadhed-billah, berbicara tentang nikmat ia
menikmati dan tahun di pengadilan, maka itu akan kembali khalifah yang lain,
dan dengan Maret retrograde ini Ini berbeda dari metode historis yang benar.
Jadi terlepas dari kebaikan pelaksanaan dan kebenaran penulis, kita hanya bisa
menyalahkan dia untuk keluar dari lingkup dan memiliki muatan pekerjaan yang
itu tidak. Apa yang tidak tetap di bidang ilmiah, di mana ia tidak punya
saingan, pengetahuan tentang Euclid, bagian dari Almagest (astronomi) atau
lingkaran! Apa yang telah ia mengembangkan pandangan Socrates, Plato dan
Aristoteles pada sistem bola, cuaca, temperamen, hubungan dan komposisi,
kesimpulan, asumsi dan silogisme, perbedaan antara dunia fisik dan
supranatural, materi, sifat dan pengukuran angka, atau beberapa masalah
filosofis lainnya! Dia melakukan tugas ini dengan kehormatan, dan karyanya akan
menanggapi bakatnya. Tapi di mana adalah orang yang tahu batas kekuatannya dan
batas-batas kemampuan mereka Abd Allah bin al-Mokaffa, benar kata: "Setiap
penulis mengejar tujuan; dengan mencapai, itu menunjukkan; jika ia merindukan,
ia tidak menghormati. »
Abu'l-al-Masudi Achan menambahkan: The kronik, sejarah,
biografi kode dan tradisi yang disebutkan di sini milik penulis terkenal, atau
setidaknya dikenal; kita mengabaikan buku-buku nama sekolah traditionnaires,
pada waktu dan klasifikasi karakter utama Islam, karena perkembangan ini
melampaui batas buku ini. Selain itu, mengenai nama-nama dokter yang, pada
berbagai waktu, tradisi menular, mengumpulkan fakta-fakta biografi dan sejarah;
kategori ulama setiap abad sejak sahabat Nabi dan penerus mereka (kucing),
divisi sekolah, perbedaan pendapat muncul antara pengacara dari kota-kota
besar, filsuf, sektarian dan pembantah semua fakta ini dalam kata, dengan
tanggal tahun 332 (AH) dicatat dalam sejarah kami sejarah (ez-Akhbar Zeman),
dan sejarah rata-rata kami (Kitab al-Awsat).
He travelled to Fars in 915 C.E. and, after staying for one
year in Istikhar, he proceeded via Baghdad to India, where he visited Multan
and Mansoora before returning to Fars. From there he travelled to Kirman and
then again to India. Mansoora in those days was a city of great renown and was
the capital of the Muslim state of Sind. Around it, there were many
settlements/townships of new converts to Islam. In 918 C.E., Masu'di travelled
to Gujrat, where more than 10,000 Arab Muslims had settled in the sea-port of
Chamoor. He also travelled to Deccan, Ceylon, Indo-China and China, and
proceeded via Madagascar, Zanjibar and Oman to Basra.
At Basra he completed his book Muruj-al-Thahab, in which he
has described in a most absorbing manner his experience of various countries,
peoples and climates. He gives accounts of his personal contacts with the Jews,
Iranians, Indians and Christians.
From Basra he moved to Syria and from there to Cairo, where
he wrote his second extensive book Muruj al-Zamanin thirty volumes. In this
book he has described in detail the geography and history of the countries that
he had visited. His first book was completed in 947 C.E. He also prepared a
supplement, called
Kitab al-Ausat, in which he has compiled historical events
chronologically. In 957 C.E., the year of his death, he completed his last book
Kitab al-Tanbih wa al-Ishraf, in which he has given a summary of his earlier
book as well as an errata. Masu'di is referred to as the Herodotus and Pliny of
Arabs. By presenting a critical account of historical
events, he initiated a change in the art of historical writing, introducing the
elements of analysis, reflection and criticism, which was later on further
improved by Ibn Khaldun. In particular, in al-Tanbeehhe makes a systematic
study of history against a perspective of geography, sociology, anthropology
and ecology. Masu'di had a deep insight into the causes of rise and fall of
With his scientific and analytical approach he has given an
account of the causes of the earthquake of 955 C.E., as well as the discussions
of the water of the Red Sea and other problems in the earth sciences. He is the
first author to make mention of windmills, which were invented by the Muslims
of Sijistan.
Masu'di also made important contributions to music and other
fields of science. In his book Muruj al-Thahabhe provides important information
on early Arab music as well as music of other countries.
His book Muruj al-Thahab wa al-Ma'adin al-Jawahir (Meadows of
Gold and Mines of Precious Stones)has been held as 'remarkable' because of the
'catholicity of its author, who neglected no source of information and of his
truly scientific curiosity'. As mentioned above, it was followed by his
treatise Muruj al-Zaman. In addition to writing a supplement Kitab al-Ausat, he
completed Kitab alTanbih wa al-Ishraftowards the end of his career. It is,
however, unfortunate that, out of his 34 books as mentioned by himself in
Al-Tanbih, only three have survived, in addition to Al-Tanbih itself. Some doubts have been
expressed about some claims related to his extensive travelling e.g., upto
China and Madagascar, but the correct situation cannot be assessed due to the
loss of his several books. Whatever he has recorded was with a scientific
approach and constituted an important contribution to geography, history and
earth sciences. It is interesting to note that he was one of the early
scientists who propounded several aspects of evolution viz., from minerals to
plant, plant to animal and animal to man. His researches and views extensively
influenced the sciences of historiography, geography and earth sciences for
several countries
He was a best known as a cartographer, was also a traveler historian, etc.
Al-mas`oudi described his visit to the oilfields of Baku. Wrote on the reaction
of alkali water with zaj (vitriol) water giving sulphuric acid.
Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Husain Ibn Ali Al-Masu'di was a descendant of Abdallah Ibn Masu'd, a companion of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). An expert geographer, a physicist and historian, Masu'di was born in the last decade of the 9th century C.E., his exact date of birth being unknown. He was a Mutazilite Arab, who explored distant lands and died at Cairo, in 957 C.E.
He traveled to Fars in 915 C.E. and, after staying for one year in Istikhar, he proceeded via Baghdad to India, where he visited Multan and Mansoora before returning to Fars. From there he traveled to Kirman and then again to India. Mansoora in those days was a city of great renown and was the capital of the Muslim state of Sind. Around it, there were many settlements/townships of new converts to Islam. In 918 C.E., Masu'di travelled to Gujrat, where more than 10,000 Arab Muslims had settled in the sea-port of Chamoor. He also travelled to Deccan, Ceylon, Indo-China and China, and proceeded via Madagascar, Zanjibar and Oman to Basra.
At Basra he completed his book Muruj-al-Dhahab, in which he has described in a most absorbing manner his experience of various countries, peoples and climates. He gives accounts of his personal contacts with the Jews, Iranians, Indians and Christians. From Basra he moved to Syria and from there to Cairo, where he wrote his second extensive book Muruj al-Zaman in thirty volumes. In this book he has described in detail the geography and history of the countries that he had visited. His first book was completed in 947 C.E. He also prepared a supplement, called Kitab al-Awsat, in which he has compiled historical events chronologically. In 957 C.E., the year of his death, he completed his last book Kitab al-Tanbih wa al-Ishraf, in which he has given a summary of his earlier book as well as an errata.
Masu'di is referred to as the Herodotus and Pliny of the Arabs. By presenting a critical account of historical events, he initiated a change in the art of historical writing, introducing the elements of analysis, reflection and criticism, which was later on further improved by Ibn Khaldun. In particular, in al-Tanbih he makes a systematic study of history against a perspective of geography, sociology, anthropology and ecology. Masu'di had a deep insight into the causes of rise and fall of nations.
With his scientific and analytical approach he has given an account of the causes of the earthquake of 955 C.E., as well as the discussions of the water of the Red Sea and other problems in the earth sciences. He is the first author to make mention of windmills, which were invented by the Muslims of Sijistan.
Masu'di also made important contributions to music and other fields of science. In his book Muruj al-Dhahab he provides important information on early Arab music as well as music of other countries.
His book Muruj al-Dhahab wa al-Ma'adin al-Jawahir (Meadows of Gold and Mines of Precious Stones) has been held as 'remarkable' because of the 'catholicity of its author, who neglected no source of information and of his truly scientific curiosity'. As mentioned above, it was followed by his treatise Muruj al-Zaman. In addition to writing a supplement Kitab al-Awsat, he completed Kitab al-Tanbih wa al-Ishraf towards the end of his career. It is, however, unfortunate that, out of his 34 books as mentioned by himself in Al-Tanbih, only three have survived, in addition to Al-Tanbih itself.
Some doubts have been expressed about some claims related to his extensive traveling e.g., up to China and Madagascar, but the correct situation cannot be assessed due to the loss of several of his books. Whatever he has recorded was based on a scientific approach and constituted an important contribution to geography, history and earth sciences. It is interesting to note that he was one of the early scientists who propounded several aspects of evolution viz., from minerals to plant, plant to animal and animal to man. His researches and views extensively influenced the sciences of historiography, geography and earth sciences for several countries.
Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Husain Ibn Ali Al-Masu'di was a descendant of Abdallah Ibn Masu'd, a companion of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). An expert geographer, a physicist and historian, Masu'di was born in the last decade of the 9th century C.E., his exact date of birth being unknown. He was a Mutazilite Arab, who explored distant lands and died at Cairo, in 957 C.E.
He traveled to Fars in 915 C.E. and, after staying for one year in Istikhar, he proceeded via Baghdad to India, where he visited Multan and Mansoora before returning to Fars. From there he traveled to Kirman and then again to India. Mansoora in those days was a city of great renown and was the capital of the Muslim state of Sind. Around it, there were many settlements/townships of new converts to Islam. In 918 C.E., Masu'di travelled to Gujrat, where more than 10,000 Arab Muslims had settled in the sea-port of Chamoor. He also travelled to Deccan, Ceylon, Indo-China and China, and proceeded via Madagascar, Zanjibar and Oman to Basra.
At Basra he completed his book Muruj-al-Dhahab, in which he has described in a most absorbing manner his experience of various countries, peoples and climates. He gives accounts of his personal contacts with the Jews, Iranians, Indians and Christians. From Basra he moved to Syria and from there to Cairo, where he wrote his second extensive book Muruj al-Zaman in thirty volumes. In this book he has described in detail the geography and history of the countries that he had visited. His first book was completed in 947 C.E. He also prepared a supplement, called Kitab al-Awsat, in which he has compiled historical events chronologically. In 957 C.E., the year of his death, he completed his last book Kitab al-Tanbih wa al-Ishraf, in which he has given a summary of his earlier book as well as an errata.
Masu'di is referred to as the Herodotus and Pliny of the Arabs. By presenting a critical account of historical events, he initiated a change in the art of historical writing, introducing the elements of analysis, reflection and criticism, which was later on further improved by Ibn Khaldun. In particular, in al-Tanbih he makes a systematic study of history against a perspective of geography, sociology, anthropology and ecology. Masu'di had a deep insight into the causes of rise and fall of nations.
With his scientific and analytical approach he has given an account of the causes of the earthquake of 955 C.E., as well as the discussions of the water of the Red Sea and other problems in the earth sciences. He is the first author to make mention of windmills, which were invented by the Muslims of Sijistan.
Masu'di also made important contributions to music and other fields of science. In his book Muruj al-Dhahab he provides important information on early Arab music as well as music of other countries.
His book Muruj al-Dhahab wa al-Ma'adin al-Jawahir (Meadows of Gold and Mines of Precious Stones) has been held as 'remarkable' because of the 'catholicity of its author, who neglected no source of information and of his truly scientific curiosity'. As mentioned above, it was followed by his treatise Muruj al-Zaman. In addition to writing a supplement Kitab al-Awsat, he completed Kitab al-Tanbih wa al-Ishraf towards the end of his career. It is, however, unfortunate that, out of his 34 books as mentioned by himself in Al-Tanbih, only three have survived, in addition to Al-Tanbih itself.
Some doubts have been expressed about some claims related to his extensive traveling e.g., up to China and Madagascar, but the correct situation cannot be assessed due to the loss of several of his books. Whatever he has recorded was based on a scientific approach and constituted an important contribution to geography, history and earth sciences. It is interesting to note that he was one of the early scientists who propounded several aspects of evolution viz., from minerals to plant, plant to animal and animal to man. His researches and views extensively influenced the sciences of historiography, geography and earth sciences for several countries.
Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Husain Ibn Ali Al-Masu’di was a relative of Abdallah Ibn Masu’d, a friendly of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him). A master geographer, a physicist and student of history, Masu’di was conceived in the final decade of the 9th century A.d., his accurate date of life commencement being unfamiliar. He was a Mutazilite Arab, who investigated inaccessible grounds and passed on at Cairo, in 957 C.e.
He made a trip to Fars in 915 C.e. furthermore, in the wake of staying for one year in Istikhar, he moved ahead through Baghdad to India, where he went to Multan and Mansoora before coming back to Fars. From that point he set out to Kirman and afterward again to India. Mansoora in those days was a city of incredible fame and was the capital of the Muslim state of Sind. Around it, there were numerous settlements/townships of new changes over to Islam. In 918 C.e., Masu’di went to Gujrat, where more than 10,000 Arab Muslims had settled in the ocean port of Chamoor. He additionally set out to Deccan, Ceylon, Indo-China and China, and moved ahead by means of Madagascar, Zanjibar and Oman to Basra.
At Basra he finished his book Muruj-al-Thahab, in which he has depicted in a generally engrossing way his encounter of different nations, individuals and atmospheres. He gives records of his individual contacts with the Jews, Iranians, Indians and Christians. From Basra he moved to Syria and from that point to Cairo, where he composed his second noteworthy book Muruj al-Zaman in thirty volumes. In this book he has depicted in item the topography and history of the nations that he had gone to. His first book was finished in 947 C.e. He additionally ready a supplement, called Kitab al-Ausat, in which he has gathered academic occasions sequentially. In 957 C.e., the year of his expiration, he finished his final book Kitab al-Tanbih wa al-Ishraf, in which he has given an abstract of his prior book and in addition an errata.
Masu’di is implied as the Herodotus and Pliny of the Arabs. By exhibiting a discriminating record of academic occasions, he started a change in the craft of academic composition, presenting the components of examination, reflection and reaction, which was later on further enhanced by Ibn Khaldun. Specifically, in al-Tanbeeh he makes an efficient investigation of history against a view of geology, humanism, humanities and biology. Masu’di had a profound understanding into the explanations for ascent and fall of countries.
With his exploratory and scientific methodology he has given a record of the explanations for the quake of 955 C.e., and additionally the talks of the water of the Red Sea and different issues in the earth sciences. He is the first creator to make specify of windmills, which were developed by the Muslims of Sijistan.
Masu’di additionally made vital commitments to music and different fields of science. In his book Muruj al-Thahab he furnishes vital informative content on promptly Arab music and in addition music of different nations.
His book Muruj al-Thahab wa al-Ma’adin al-Jawahir (Meadows of Gold and Mines of Precious Stones) has been held as “noteworthy” in view of the ‘catholicity of its writer, who dismissed no wellspring of qualified information and of his without a doubt logical curiosity’. As said above, it was emulated by his treatise Muruj al-Zaman. Notwithstanding composition a supplement Kitab al-Ausat, he finished Kitab al-Tanbih wa al-Ishraf towards the finish of his vocation. It is, on the other hand, deplorable that, out of his 34 books as said without anyone else’s input in Al-Tanbih, just three have made due, notwithstanding Al-Tanbih itself.
A few questions have been communicated about a few cases identified with his broad voyaging e.g., up to China and Madagascar, yet the right scenario can’t be surveyed because of the misfortune of his some books. Whatever he has recorded was with a deductive methodology and constituted an imperative commitment to topography, history and earth sciences. It is intriguing to note that he was one of the early researchers who propounded some parts of development viz., from minerals to plant, plant to creature and creature to man. His examines and sees widely impacted the sciences of historiography, geology and earth sciences for some nations.
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